
Outreach Ministries

Holy Trinity desires to make a difference in our local community and beyond.

South Brevard Sharing Center

South Brevard Sharing Center assists individuals and families who at risk or experiencing hunger and homelessness.  This year they have had 10,400 food pantry visits, distributed 7,500 hygiene kits and have prevented 200 households from homelessness. Holy Trinity supports this mission by providing food, hygiene items and clothing. Donations for this ministry can be made in the narthex and are delivered on a weekly basis to the SBSC. A “Wish List” is provided below.

SBSC Wish List

Daughters of the King

The Daughters of the King (DOK) is an Order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church. Members undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. By reaffirmation of the promises made at Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a lifelong program of prayer, service and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish. Check the weekly announcement sheet for their next meeting. For more information contact Tillie Newhart.


St. Catherine's Guild:

2nd Monday at 10:00am, Parish Hall

St. Catherine’s Guild is a fellowship and service guild which offers an opportunity to meet other women of the church and enjoy a time of fellowship and Christian learning. It provides community outreach in the form of fruit baskets and food gift certificates to the Genesis Houses in Melbourne and provides funds for the Least Coin program that provides funds for worldwide Christian outreach. The United Thank Offering in-gatherings are spearheaded by St. Catherine’s Guild. We meet at 10:00am on the second Monday of the month from September through May in the parish hall. Contact: Judy Henderson

Ways for Life

(Formerly: LiftUp Young Lives)

WAYS for Life provides wraparound youth services for young adults formerly in foster care and those experiencing homelessness. In addition to supporting the successful transition to adulthood, we promote awareness of the needs of our members in our community and beyond. The WAYS Key Pillars of support are: Housing, Education and Employment. We help youth find resources and creative solutions to issues such as housing, legal, employment, education, transportation, health care, wellness, and counseling. We understand that until immediate basic needs are met, it is nearly impossible to contemplate the future. We believe all youth should have equal opportunities for a successful future. 


The LiftUp Life Skills program helps the WAYS members realize their potential and teaches them the tools they need to succeed in life. The areas of personal development and growth are taught through several Success Pillars: social skills, life skills, leadership & professionalism, and financial independence. LiftUp is a two-semester program with 15 weeks of classes.  We offer two gifts the students earn, a laptop computer after the first semester and a good used car when the member graduates from the 30 week life skills program.  These are vital tools for success to go to work and get a college or trade school education.  If you'd like to learn more or become involved in WAYS for Life/LiftUp, go to WAYSforLife.org

WAYS FOR LIFE is a drop in center and is open Monday-Thursday 10 am-4 pm and Friday by appointment. LiftUp Life Skills meets on Thursdays 5:30-7:30 pm. 

Contact: Lisa@WAYSforLife.org

Local and Global Outreach Missions

Holy Trinity Church and it's parishioners donate their time and their treasure to multiple areas of outreach and missions in our community and beyond. Here are just a few:

And there are MORE! To learn more about how you can "plug in", please contact the church office by phone (321-723-5272) or E-MAIL.

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