
Liturgical Ministries

The Liturgical Ministries support our varied forms of worship.  Each contributes in it's own unique way to our spiritual lives.

Contact the church office at 321-723-5272 for ministry head contact information.


Deacons are members of one of three distinct orders of ordained ministry (with bishops and presbyters). In the Episcopal Church a deacon exercises “a special ministry of servanthood” directly under the deacon's bishop, serving all people and especially those in need (BCP, p. 543).

Licensed Eucharistic Minister

A Licensed Eucharistic Minister (LEM) is a lay person licensed by the Bishop to administer the consecrated elements of the Eucharist. Here at Holy Trinity, the LEM is the chalice bearer, serving the wine during Communion. Special training is required for this ministry. Contact: Janet Gray


Acolyte means an attendant or follower and Samuel (1 Samuel 2:18-21) is one of the first examples of an assistant to a priest. The job of an acolyte is to assist the celebrant (the priest in charge of a worship service) and enhance the worship service to help glorify God. Serving as an acolyte is a commitment of your time and talent to the Lord’s service, which is greatly appreciated.

Here at Holy Trinity we have a long history of acolytes in this wonderful ministry. Children from 4th grade through adulthood serve each weekend. Whether a crucifer, torch bearer, gospel or epistle acolyte, our acolytes serve with great dedication.

We have continued training for any interested parishioners. Please contact Vern Lester or Chris Arter for any questions.

Master Acolyte

Master Acolytes are chosen to undergo an advanced training in the positions of crucifer, torch bearer, gospel or epistle acolyte.  We have trained and awarded six Master Acolytes to the ministry and two of those Master Acolytes have gone on to become Vergers. 


“The ministry of the vergers is to help to lead the church in bearing witness in the world to the hospitality of God, by helping the church to be a truly hospitable place, by helping us to worship the Lord our God in dignity, in order, in beauty, and in truth in the church so that we can go forth to witness to that God to the world.”

The Most Reverend Michael B. Curry

27th Presiding Bishop of the

Episcopal ChurchContact: Vern Lester


Altar Guild

The duties of the Altar Guild are to prepare for every service taking place in the church and chapel, including Holy Eucharists, Morning Prayer services, baptisms, weddings, funerals, and memorials. Included in the Altar Guild are the Linen, Flower, and Wedding Groups. This is a very special ministry that we all offer to Our Lord, as we prepare for His presence among us. We have three teams of men and women who serve on a monthly basis, as well as individuals who work only one specific service. Contact: Judy Henderson

The Linen Guild

The Linen Guild is an extension of the Altar Guild. Its purpose is to make and repair altar linens. Anyone interested in fine hand sewing and embroidery is welcome. They meet on the first Monday of every month at 10:00am in Lewis Hall. Contact: Dorothy Forde

The Flower Guild

ALTAR FLOWERS: If you wish to memorialize a loved one or to give thanksgiving to God for some special person or reason with altar flowers, your request will be listed in the Sunday bulletin on the Sunday of your choice. A donation is customary; envelopes are available in the Pew Racks. Flowers are not placed on the altar during the seasons of Advent and Lent, however names are listed in the bulletin. All money donated during Advent and Lent will be given to Habitat for Humanity to assist them in their work. Contact: Bonnie Register

Altar Flowers

If you wish to memorialize a loved one or to give thanksgiving to God for some special person or reason with altar flowers, your request will be listed in the Sunday bulletin on the Sunday of your choice. A donation is customary; envelopes are available in the Pew Racks. Flowers are not placed on the altar during the seasons of Advent and Lent, however names are listed in the bulletin. All money donated during Advent and Lent will be given to Habitat for Humanity to assist them in their work. Contact: Bonnie Register

The Wedding Guild

The Wedding Guild assists with all the details of weddings held in the church or chapel. They begin at the rehearsal going over things such as proper order of the wedding procession, and ushering guidelines. The day of the wedding, they help with any last minute details. Their purpose is to make things run smoothly and keep the day holy. Contact: Nance Burroughs

Greeters (9:00am service)

All of us at Holy Trinity want our newcomers and visitors to feel welcome. Our greeters’ main purpose is to search out new faces, while at the same time welcome all with a smile and a sincere greeting. They stand ready to answer any questions about the church and/or service, provide directions to restrooms, the Parish Hall, etc. and give any other assistance needed. Contact: Cathryn Thornton

Ushers (7:30 & 9:00am services)

Ushers serve at the Sunday services to assist parishioners, newcomers, or guests as they arrive. In addition to making sure all have bulletins, they are available to answer questions or be of assistance in any way they can. They also collect the offering at these services. Any person interested in becoming an usher will receive training and be placed on a scheduled usher team. Contact: Vince Angleton


A Lector is a lay person trained in reading Scripture appointed by the Rector to read Lessons, Psalms or lead the Prayers of the People during a service. Lectors have a critical role in the celebration of the Liturgy as they proclaim the Word of God. There is no license required for this lay ministry. Contact: Janet Gray

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